Wednesday, 24 January 2007

And who says packing is hard work?

We started this morning on a rather slow note as the sleep seemed to evade us still. My one cup of coffee didn't give me the kick I needed, but soon there wasn't time for waking up. There was a house to be packed!

The packing went very well on day 1. And HOW exhausting. To say the least, the packers are amazing (I guess that's why their slogon is "Elliotts is amazing!). It's unreal to see how they wrap and pack. Just like Speedy Goncales (sorry can't be bothered about spelling). BUT since the packing wasn't my concern, I need to explain the reason for my exhaustion. Well cleaning and sorting at the speed they pack, well that's something else. Typical Virgo, I want everything clean when it's packed. Nevermind that it WILL get dirty with the unpacking again.

I'm not going to bore you with any details and it's taking me triple the time to write this as my spelling and tense mistakes are atrocious - DAMN VIRGO. I'll post some pics tomorrow (as I left the camera at home - yes it's still my home).


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Growth - Ferrucci (1982)

"Growth is understanding what we have not yet been able to conceive; feeling what we have never felt before; doing what we have never done before. It is daring what we have never dared. It may not, therefore, necessarily be pleasurable. It obliges is to leave our comfort zone, to progress into the unknown, to face the tremendous inpact of the Self."