Sunday, 11 March 2007

We're Back

If you're keeping track of us and where we are, you will know that we spent the last 7 days on The Vision of the Seas (cruise ship). This has unfortunately lead to a very neglected blog and a serious lack of photos.

I promise that as soon as I get to a hotel with decent internet services without charging an arm and leg, I will update the website and give you an idea of what we are doing and where we’ve been.

All I’m saying for now is that we are having an awesome time!!!!

Will chat later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wat het tussen die 11e en 13e gebeur dat ons niks nuuts lees of sien nie.Ek hoop daar is voor vanmiddag laat iets op want ek gaan 2 dae Bloemfontein toe en dan met verlof tot die 21ste Ons verlang na julle Liefde ma en pa

Growth - Ferrucci (1982)

"Growth is understanding what we have not yet been able to conceive; feeling what we have never felt before; doing what we have never done before. It is daring what we have never dared. It may not, therefore, necessarily be pleasurable. It obliges is to leave our comfort zone, to progress into the unknown, to face the tremendous inpact of the Self."