Friday, 15 June 2007

Last House Updates (unless something good comes along)

Here is some final pics on the house......

Just one last pic on our new curtains in our room...Finally. We've worked out that it gets dark at 10:30pm-ish and get light at around 4am-ish...See why black out blinds and curtains are necessary??
Just the lounge from a different view...

And Kurt's fancy sports car. Don't be fooled...This thing is 10 years old, slightly rusted and have a few dents and scratches. But it's perfect for island life! You should see him in this thing. He puts the roof down, switches on the heater and off he goes. Brilliant!!!

Oh, and see, a cloudless day. Yes, we get some of those. Except the last three days. It's been raining non-stop, the wind has been howling and it's like winter in SA (constant 9°C during the day....add a rather strong wind and driving rain and you have summer on the Isle of Man.) Just kidding...we had a beautiful weekend, meaning I could sit outside in my bikini and get a tan with an average of 24°C. Kurt got sunburned (from working in the garden, don't laugh! We don't have gardeners), is peeling and is probably scratching his back as I write this. Oi, peeling is an itchy business.'s getting late and I rose with the sun this I'm off to my bed!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kraan, wat 'n verrassing. Nadat ek jou e pos gestuur het mmak ek net op jou blog oop en ddaar is daar iets nuut by dis so lekker om te sien en jou geskribbel daarby is lekker maak net dat ek varlang. Die dr het Martin tot einde Julie afgeboek. Ek dink as hy hom nie gaan oppas nie gaan hy nog lank die letsels van die skietery dra. Lief JOU BBBAAAAAAIEEEE

Growth - Ferrucci (1982)

"Growth is understanding what we have not yet been able to conceive; feeling what we have never felt before; doing what we have never done before. It is daring what we have never dared. It may not, therefore, necessarily be pleasurable. It obliges is to leave our comfort zone, to progress into the unknown, to face the tremendous inpact of the Self."